Monday, May 19, 2008

Let the progress begin.....

Well, I guess it's like this......Mindy started a blog, then Cherry and Kayla, so now I have to join in....I figure if everyone else is open and honest about their progress I should be too! =)

Today started my 12th week of being faithful to my workout program. I have been walking/jogging at least three days a week non-stop for 12 weeks now. I'm very proud of that dedication although I confess that I don't have a lot to show for it. =(

Last year I was pretty sick and couldn't exercise much. Because of this I gained a lot of weight. I was up to 152lbs last fall and then dropped down to 147lbs which is where I started off my work out plan at 12 weeks ago.

At this point after 12 weeks I'm at 146lbs! haha......Seriously, that's no joke......

Yesterday was a breaking point for me because I jogged my farthest in a VERY long time....I went 4.7 miles!!!! Mostly I jogged the whole thing, but walked a little bit too at the beginning and end.......(The sad part is that I un-did everything I had accomplished by going out for pie and coffee with Travis last night! haha.) Today I went about 3 miles of mostly walking since I was pretty sore from yesterday.

Currently my goal is to do 5 miles twice a week and then fill in the other days with shorter 3 mile runs. On the days when I do my 5 miles I will drive to work, but on all other days I'll walk. (That adds another 2 miles to my day's exercise.) I have been walking to work for the past two weeks and this has been working out very well. Also, on the days when I'm doing the shorter distance I will do abs and push-ups. Once my friend Cami gets back next week we will try to fit in some weights and stuff as well.

My goals for myself are basically that I would get back into the shape I was in when I was in Korea. I had met lifetime goals that I never thought possible and then they all just sort of disappeared from me. I WANT THEM BACK!!! My goal by the end of the summer is to be at least down to 135 and then hopefully keep going from there........

I've learned a lot over the past few years and have really learned to love my body for what it is at this present moment. However, I have goals of hiking and stuff that require me to be in shape so that is why I am really focusing on all of this. I need to be in better shape and take more time out for myself. I guess that's the real point - Taking time to care for YOU and taking time to do something that is JUST for YOU.........

Thanks for encouraging me ladies! I think about all three of you every time I'm out there!! I'm loving this support thing that you started, Mindy!!!


Cherry said...

Yay Teniah! You totally rock! Bikini bodies here we come!

Anonymous said...

Hello new friend! I'm going to add you to my friends

mindy said...

Whoohoo! You are rockin’ it girl! 11 weeks is AWESOME!

I’m so excited you’ve started a blog – this is such a great way to keep each other motivated and supported. Yay! Love you girl!!