Tuesday, September 22, 2009

12 Week Challenge

Today I started my 12 Week Challenge. It got a little delayed since I have been so sick this week, but I felt well enough to run this morning so I kicked it off well.

Basically I'm going to follow the Body For Life fitness program that I did back in Korea - basics of running/cardio ,weight lifting, and eating healthy. Nothing really crazy, but just being dedicated and focused.

I am proud to announce that so far I have held true not only to my "No Chocolate" stance, but I have also been faithful to limiting my sweets intake. I have also been more faithful to my yoga - which I thoroughly enjoy having the privilege to do out on the front porch!!!

I don't suspect I will make any actual progress for a few weeks, but just knowing that I'm committed makes me feel good.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Goals and a New Beginning

Don't dream it, do it!!! - Be Committed

My short-term goals for the next two weeks: Stick to my running program and give up all chocolate for two weeks.

My mid-term goals for the next three months: Increase my yoga to no less than four times per week and start a new weight lifting program.

My six month goals: Lose 10lbs and get my arm muscles toned back up.

My long term Year Goal: Lose 20lbs of body fat and get back the toned muscles that I desire for my all around better health.

Some changes to make in my daily diet - I am giving up chocolate for two weeks initially to kick my sugar habit and then I want to really start limiting my intake of non-neccissary sweets and snacks. Also, to help lessen cravings, I want to lower my intake of carbs (mostly breads)

I will be posting weekly in the future as best as can be - mostly just to encourage myself to stay faithful to my personal committment towards a healthier and happier life. =)