Firstly I want to acknowledge that “wellness” looks different to each individual. When I speak of wellness, I am not speaking of living without illness or disease. You can live “well” even when you have physical or mental illness. You can live “well” even on your worst day…Just one movement towards wellness or one choice made is one right step.
I have used on my blog previously many hashtags such as #WellnessOverWeather, #ChooseToBeWell, #WellnessNoMatterWhat……Essentially, it’s a topic that is dear to my heart. I feel that so often in this life (perhaps a reflection of our culture or upbringing) we let the business of life or the responsibilities we hold take over our day to day and we neglect the care of the self. There will honestly ALWAYS be something that could potentially get in the way of those intentions.
Sometimes to care for oneself looks like going for a long walk, practicing some yoga, going for a swim, sweating it out on the row machine or going for a run. (Whatever your choice of physical exertion.)
It may also take the form of choosing to eat well so that you have the energy to do the above mentioned physical activity. Or it may look like going to bed earlier, drinking less wine, or reading a good book.
The point is that we need regular reminders that in order to “choose to be well” we need to actively CHOOSE. We need to take that step towards our intentions. There are choice-points that arise for us all throughout the day…opportunities where we can move towards our intentions or away from them…No one is responsible for that choice except for us.
So, what brings you joy? What makes you feel full of life and energy? What helps your back hurt less, your joints ache less? What helps you sleep? …Choose those things!! Choose what fills your cup to overflowing.
“Let the choices I make today - even though they are the harder way - move me closer towards my intentions” ~ Namaste