While we were out at a seal colony watching these funny creatures enjoying their day, we observed this fella pictured above. He had squeezed himself into this awkward looking crevice in between a couple rocks and was just basking in the sun. He laid there for the entire time we were out there (which was a very long time). Then there was this other seal who was frantically racing back and forth and he would lay down for a half second, get back up again, go to this spot and squirm, get back up again etc. He was exhausting to watch.
There was a valuable life lesson to be observed in this scene as it played before us...
Often times in life we are the frantic seal racing around from spot to spot trying to find our "comfort" trying to find a place to settle, a place that feels safe, a place where we can rest and bask in the sun without there being anything negative as part of the experience. As we race around, as we flit from project to project, from relationship to relationship - we wear ourselves out. Never staying long enough in one place to truly experience the moment.
I have mentioned in a previous post about the value of simply embracing discomfort and sitting with that experience and the emotions it brings. Now, I do not believe the crevice in that rock was comfortable. I can imagine there were parts of the rock that would have been sharp and scratchy. However, this seal seems to just be embracing whatever discomfort there may have been in order to fully enjoy the warmth of the sun on his fur and to just BE in the moment.
I challenge you with these thoughts: What are you doing to avoid discomfort in your life? Are you like the seal frantically moving from moment to moment, relationship to relationship, seeking only pleasure? When you experience uncomfortable moments, what would it be like if you simply observed that experience without wishing it away?
"To truly live fully is to experience all of life - the joy and the pain, the comfortable and the uncomfortable" ~ Namaste